Fertőd – Esterházy Castle

“What the Emperor can do, I can do”—this was the sentence 300 years ago that led to the construction of Hungary’s largest and most luxurious Baroque–Rococo style castle, the Esterházy Castle in Fertőd, 35 kilometers from Bük. Discovering Eszterháza—once home to the composer Joseph Haydn—provides a truly unique experience for visitors. The guided tour includes stories about the castle’s golden age, gives a glimpse into the pompous life of princes and also offers a visit in the ca. 300-hectare French garden that was based on the gardens of the Palace of Versailles.


For more information on the tour and tickets, please visit: http://www.eszterhaza.hu/latogatoknak

Esterházy kastély

 38 km – 38 minutes

Bük - Fertőd távolság

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