



Whoever enters here – you can also get rid off your clothes and all your problems. Plenty of theories were produced about the accomplishments of the legendary Finnish „wonder runner”, Paavo Nurmi,...

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The miraculous healing water

The miraculous healing water

The bathing culture dates back to thousands of years. Hot water public pools were also built in ancient Greece, nevertheless the bathing culture is clearly the merit of the Roman Empire and its...

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BÜK – the Sports City of the Nation

BÜK – the Sports City of the Nation

The life of Bük, apostrophized as one of the centres of Hungarian bathing culture, has been particularly exciting since the early 1960s. The unique healing water of the spa, which opened in 1962,...

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Program recommendations

Cultural wellness

Cultural wellness

Spa baths and treatments pamper the body and the soul, but we should not forget about spiritual pampering either: let’s take a tour in the cultural oasis of the town of Bük as well! This form of...

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Beyond-the-border-shopping tourism was booming in the region 20 to 30 years ago, with a lot of people visiting Austria to purchase special products of the West. There may not be such a big...

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Programs in Bük

Programs in Bük

Festivals and cultural programs are as much a part of the vibrant small town’s life as the permanent services and opportunities offered by the spa complex. In the summer, the spa’s parking lot is...

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Felsőbüki Nagy (Szapáry) Mansion

Felsőbüki Nagy (Szapáry) Mansion

The Szapáry Mansion near the river Répce—in just a fifteen-minute walk from Park Hotel to reach—is one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture, reserving relatively much of its original...

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Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church

In the first decades of the 16th century, the Reformation brought spectacular changes to the religious culture that had seemed to be unified up until that point, and spread incredibly fast across...

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The surrounding area



King Béla IV, known as the second founder of Hungary, granted township to Körmend more than 750 years ago after recognizing the economic importance of the settlement on the border. The most famous...

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Szentgotthárd is an 800-year old town on the Hungarian–Slovenian–Austrian triple border. You can reach the town from Bük in just one hour and a half hour.The town is frequently referred to in...

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The chief town of Vas county is only a half-hour drive from the spa town, and it is exceptionally rich in historical relics, particularly from the Roman era. The city’s most famous attraction is the...

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Cycling tours



With a distance of 32 kilometers, the route starting in the county seat gives a taste of cycling tours of the area. The high-quality built cycling route is lined with two imposing castles.Olvasta...

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Tour of Vas-Hegy/Eisenberg

Tour of Vas-Hegy/Eisenberg

Szombathely – Ják – Vas-Hegy/Eisenberg – Felsőcsatár – Torony Although this route does not have a cycle path per se, the small traffic and the abundancy of sights make it a superb cycling...

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Szombathely – Lake Abért – Szombathely

Szombathely – Lake Abért – Szombathely

The route starting again in the county seat leads through Hungary’s longest village, Gencsapáti, to Lukácsháza. On the way there, one can test their courage in the Holdfényliget adventure park, or...

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Hooked on



We begin with presenting and praising the local opportunities. Just a few-minute walk from our hotel is a small, quiet and peaceful fishing lake. The Répce river also offers ideal opportunities for...

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The Rába river

The Rába river

The most popular natural fishing water in Vas county is the cultic Rába river that has a varying width between 20 and 50 meters and an average depth of 2-3 meters. The continuously meandering river...

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Lake Boldogasszony, Csepreg

Lake Boldogasszony, Csepreg

Maybe one of the closest fishing opportunities to Bük is Lake Boldogasszony with its picturesque environment. The still water covering an area of almost 13 hectares can reach 9 meters at its deepest...

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